This is my desk - where I blog! I love my bulletin board because I keep pictures with my friends there. See the picture of me with Inky? And the one with Lanie? I'm lucky because I didn't move too far away from Lanie, we'll still get to see each other sometimes. I am starting at a new school though, which makes me nervous!

This is my little hedgehog family, aren't they the cutest ever? I keep my games up on the shelf, too. Have you ever played Bop it!? It's so fun, but really tough.

I chose my bed crown above my bed because it reminds me of the outdoors - a big fluffy white cloud, blue sky and the beautiful stars!

I have my ipod and my silly little speaker-man on my nightstand so I can listen to my tunes whenever I want.

My doll trunk sits at the end of my bed. It's one of my favorite things - see how perfectly Samantha fits inside? And there is a perfect little doll-sized drawer for her clothes.

Sunny really isn't supposed to be up on the furniture, but sometimes I let him. Don't tell! He's so big and heavy he makes my bed springs creak!

It feels good to be back blogging again!
PS - you might notice some changes on the blog. The pictures are BIGGER, the background is a little different.