I waved goodbye to Inky. I hope that I see her again soon! Do you have any friends who live far away?

Visiting is fun, but coming home again is always one of the best parts. I missed my room - but now I have more fun things to put in it to remind me of the time I spent back East!
I pinned my Junior Ranger badge onto my bulletin board..

Put the awesome stuffed panda bear Inky bought for me at the zoo on my shelf...

And my ugly doll found a new home on my bed!

And I get to wear the shirt I got at my favorite place we visited - American Girl Place New York!

Life seems quiet after all of the fun things I have been doing, but it's nice to have some quiet time. Right now I'm going to snuggle up, relax, and read Meet Cecile - remember how I got her for Christmas?