Today when I was walking home from school, I passed by a house that had a sign out that said "Free puppies" and I got so excited! At dinner, I mentioned it to my parents, and that got my dad really excited! I was not expecting that. We didn't even finish dinner, he had us all jump up and run over there.
Most of the puppies were already claimed, but there was this adorable one just waiting for us. I named him Sunny, because he's so bright just like the sunshine.
Isn't he adorable?

He was a little nervous at first, so I tried to be quiet and not scare him.

He warmed up to me pretty fast though, and decided I make a great playmate. I can hold his front paws and we pretend to dance together! When I do this, he usually starts licking my hands over and over. My dad says that is because he doesn't really like dancing with me, but I think he is wrong.

My mom says having a new puppy around is going to mean a lot more responsibility for everyone. So now I have new chores - feeding him every evening, and taking him for a walk every afternoon.

I can already tell Sunny and I will be best of friends.
Do you have any good advice for me? I've never had a puppy before!