I answered it, and there was a girl there that I had never seen before!

"Hi," She said. "My name is Lanie Holland, and I'm new in Pleasant County. I heard there was another girl my age here, so I wanted to come introduce myself."

"That's great!" I told her. "Come on in - you must be freezing!"
She told me that she was. "The dress I wore here was definitely not right for this weather - I had to change as soon as I arrived!"
So I invited Lanie to come share my afternoon snack with me.

I told her all about me - my school, my ballet classes, how excited I am for spring to come.
In return, she told me about herself.

Lanie is a scientist! She said I could be one, too. She loves animals and being outdoors. And she's a really good artist.
After we finished our snack, I showed Lanie my Nellie doll. She loved her - but then again, who wouldn't??

I told her all about the American Girl historical dolls. She seemed really interested, so I loaned her Nellie's Promise and sent a catalog home with her, too.

I'm so excited to have a friend who lives so close by! Especially because Lanie loves being outdoors too - I can tell that we'll have lots of fun together this summer. By the way, my person wants me to mention that Lanie came to Pleasant County by way of Badger Wood and The Doll Wardrobe! Check it out!