Happy Halloween, everyone! I love Halloween.
In fact, I have a great Halloween joke to share.
How do you fix a jack-o-lantern?
I'll tell you at the bottom of this post!
This morning we found the most sincere pumpkin patch we could to pick out a pumpkin to carve. There were so many pumpkins there, all shapes and sizes! Some were so big I couldn't carry them!

I found the most perfect pumpkin to carve up. Nice and round!

I tried to carry it myself but it was a little bit too big. I had to just sit by and guard it until my dad came to carry it back to the car.
Then we went home and turned on It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown to watch while I carved it up. First I took off the top and pulled out all the mushy insides. Then I drew on the face I wanted to carve.

Next I cut out the pieces really carefully with a sharp knife.

It looks pretty good, don't you think? But I have even bigger plans for it...
I took it outside and then I made it into...

A puking pumpkin!!!
My mom said "Ew" and said I was crazy. But my dad thought it was really funny, and so do I! It's sure different from any other pumpkins on our street!

Then it was time to go get dressed up and ready to go trick-or-treating!!

My Belle costume is so pretty. I took a picture inside, because I had to wear a coat over it when I went out - it was too cold! I'm pretty sure Belle wouldn't ever wear a coat over
her pretty dress.
She probably wouldn't wear sneakers underneath either...

Once it got dark we lit the puking jack-o-lantern!

Then I set off to meet up with friends and collect as much candy as we could.

It was fun to see all of their neat costumes, and to compare our treats.

We had so much fun. Tricks or treats only comes once a year, and I can't wait until next October!

Ready for the answer to the joke?
How do you fix a jack-o-lantern?
With a pumpkin patch!!
Happy Halloween!